Florida Wedding Photographer | A Major Change Coming to KGP

Hi All!

Hope everyone has been getting out and enjoying this wonderful weather we have had. I know I have!

So on to this mornings topic. Changes coming to Kristina Grimm Photography. Well as most of you know my business name is Kristina Grimm Photography but I go by the name Bumby. Why Bumby? Well as most of you know it is my nickname I have gone by my whole life. On very few occasions people have called me Kristina. It just has never been the name I go by. It reads Kristina on my license and that is it. I have always considered changing my name so it would read Bumby Kristina because I have just gone by Bumby my whole life. I like my nickname. My nickname is who I am. It makes my personality and well it is simply me. My parents, family, friends, husband and clients have called me Bumby.

So why am I bringing this up you ask. Well, because I have officially decided my business needs to reflect me and who I am as a person and as an artist. Kristina is not me. I still feel weird when I hear people call me Kristina. So I have made the executive decision to officially start the process to change Kristina Grimm Photography. I haven’t decided how I am going to do it. I am not sure if I am going call my business Bumby Grimm Photography, Bumby Photography or Bumby G Photography. Who knows maybe I will call it BumbyBee Photography maybe I’ll even go with Bumbalos Photography (compliments of all my friends you know who you are 🙂 ) I don’t know yet but I do know that I have always wanted my business to represent me and going by Kristina Grimm Photography is just not me. I know it is going to take some time to change everything over and change it over properly but it will be done.

Now, I know some people may have an opinion and may say “You should own your real name” or “No one will ever take you serious” or “It doesn’t sound professional” I don’t mean to disrespect when I say this but this is my business and not yours. I am owning who I am. I am Bumby.  I just ask for those who disagree to just support my decision. My work is still the same and I am the same photographer I am just going to be me and start going by the name I have been called by my whole life and what name represents me and that is Bumby. I am 100% happy about this decision and cannot wait to start working on everything. As mentioned, it may take me a bit but I want it to be perfect. So if it takes a long time that is what it takes but eventually Kristina Grimm Photography’s name will change.

Thanks so much for your support and look forward to sharing my ideas with everyone! Oh if anyone wants to put in a name recommendation feel free. Whose knows you just may be the one who names my business. 🙂


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Bumby Photography




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