Happy Monday!
I am so excited to share some fun news. Kristina Grimm Photography (soon to be Bumby Photography) has added a new addition. I am so honored I get to do what I truly love and that is capturing those special moments between couples or the gorgeous bride as she is blushing while walking down the aisle to marry her best friend. I also love making women feel beautiful and wonderful about themselves. So, I am thrilled to announce my boudoir studio is officially completed and ready to go. After much contemplating of what I wanted my soon to be studio to look like. I decided it needed to be me and how I love to shoot. Bright, airy and beautiful. Thanks to my wonderful supporter and husband he has built me the perfect little studio to do just that. I am tickled to have my own place to photograph in. With that being said here are a few pictures of my perfect little studio.
In celebration of the completion of the studio I wanted to announce some Valentine’s Day specials. Why not get the Mr. something sweet and special for the big day. Get a few girlfriends together and schedule your sessions. Space is limited so don’t hold off. Give me a call or shoot me an email if you would like to book your session. Here is a little sample of my session from this past Friday playing in the studio. Thank you so much to Kirsten our lovely model and Krystal Fabyan with Simply Different Photography for her help.
Enjoy the pics!
Bumby Photography
Orlando PORTRAIT photographer | Orlando boudoir photographer | Orlando Photographer | orlando Photography