October Goals

Yay! October is here. Which mean it is time to start planning for the holidays. Halloween, Turkey Day, Christmas, New Year’s. Oh my, where has this year gone!?! A lot going on in the Grimm Household the rest of this year. Beside weddings my big boy will be turning 4. Then after all the holidays our little man will be turning 2. WHAT!!!! I cannot believe Mav is going to be 4. Maverick is getting so big so fast. I want to freeze time right now. Then Raylan turning 2. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday they were both coming home from the hospital I cannot believe.

Well it is time for a recap on my September Goals and then see what is in store for October.

September Recap:

1. Kick butt at all September weddings. Congratulations to all my September couples. Catherine & Josh tied the knot this past weekend, Alexis & Daniel is coming up this weekend and next weekend I fly to CT for Dee & Mike’s wedding. I am so excited about September and so happy for all my couples.

Done, Done and Done!

2. Start working on details for my up and coming styled shoot.

Need to start did not yet. Yikes!

3. Order decor for vow renewals

Need to do as well I am still searching for what I want

4. Continue reading How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carenegie – Yes I am a big worrier so I am working on that 🙂 We all have faults

My goal is to finish this in October

5. Enforce my new office hours to allow more family time at night. New office hours are Tues-Friday 10-6 and Sat/Sun on location off on Mondays. 🙂

Still working on this. It went pretty good but had a few mishaps 🙂

October Goals

1. Finish Reading How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carengie

2. Find my next book to read

3. Research and order decor vow renewal

4. Blog at a minimum twice a week

5. Clean the kids playroom and donate old toys

6. Celebrate Maverick’s 4th B-day

7. Start and stick to my new health routine

I think that is good for this month. Make sure to check out the blog on Wednesday for the latest wedding post. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great month.


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