So a few months ago I started out by setting goals for myself and my business. Slowly but surely I am getting there and reaching them.
First goal was to get a bigger house to create a more family friendly environment for us. Our house was WAYYYYY to small for all our stuff. Between the office, all my props, toys for the boys and just our furniture alone the 1,000 square foot home was too small. So we found a great house we are renting for a year close to family and friends. We had a few hiccups we are work on since we moved it but it is great. I have an office space where I can work and spread out my gear when I need to and a great area if I need to do indoor studio style portraits. The boys have a HUGE play room; however, they hang out in my office 95% of the time. That is fine though it is big enough for them to play and I can work. Lovin’ it. The rooms are far from the living room so when Raylan naps he actually naps and is not interrupted by Maverick playing. It has been nice. Seriously, loving the space. So one goal down on to the next one.
I set out a couple months ago to get more fans of my Facebook page. I decided to run a little contest. For everyone who referred someone to become a fan of page and their name was mentioned on my website they would get an entry into the contest. The prize was a Family Session (up to 5 people) and a 4×4 mini 20pg album. My goal was to get 500 fans by the end of August. The entries and fans started rolling in. I was excited to see all the new fans and entries and support from my previous fans. During the contest I decided to throw in a little surprise. For whomever friends was my 500th fan and their name was mentioned they would receive a 30 minute mini session and (2) 8×10 prints. Wow, that took off. I hit 500 before the end of August. After that the fans kept pouring in. I lost a few along the way but for the ones I lost I gained a ton more. I owe a HUGE thanks to Lucy, Katrina, Destiny, Diana, and Kacey who played a big roll in helping me reach my goal. I had a ton of entries for others so thank you to all of you. I have to give a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to Lucy who had well over 120 of her friends became a fan. Lucy you are awesome. Thank you for your support. So I am proud to say as of today I have 551 new fans. Woo hoo. Not only did I meet my goal but I surpassed my goal. It feels wonderful. Thank you so much everyone for becoming fans and your kind comments. It really motivates me to work harder.
Now the time has come to chose my winner. All my entries went into a big bowl; however, I had too many names so I had to put them in my big cooking pot. My son Maverick chose the name. He had fun and was thrilled to be involved. So without further ado the winner is!!!!!!!
The winner is KACEY COLUMBUS!!!! Congratulations Kacey you will receive a complimentary session and 4×4 20 page mini album. I cannot wait.
Well after Maverick drew the name. Raylan crawled over with a sad face. Literally, he did. I felt bad because I knew he felt left out. So I had to include him. So as he stared at me with his Big Baby Blues I knew what I had to do. I HAD TO LET HIM PICK A NAME!!! What kind of mother would I be to leave one of children out. Let’s see what who he chose… Seriously, how could I say only one winner to this face?
Raylan you are supposed to pick a name not eat it. 🙂
Congratulations Raylan picked LUCY LU!! I cannot believe with all her votes Maverick did not draw her name. Congratulations Lucy you are my winner of a complimentary session and DVD with prints rights. I am so excited I get to meet you!!!!
Thank you again to all my participating fans and all my new fans. Be sure to stay tuned for photos from Kacey & Lucy’s sessions.
Bumby Photography
Orlando PORTRAIT photographer | Orlando boudoir photographer | Orlando Photographer | orlando Photography