Remembering Floyd

Yes, I know I cannot believe it is taking me almost a year to post this. There is no excuse I know. I am sorry for waiting so long. So last year a great friend of mine asked me to photograph a benefit ride for fallen friend. Of course I said yes. Some of you may know him and some of you may not. But just over a year ago my group of friends lost someone dear to them. That someone was GySgt. Floyd Holley.  Floyd was killed in Afghanistan on August 29, 2010.  While I only had the pleasure of meeting him two maybe three times in my life I felt like I knew him well. I knew him from all the wonderful stories many spoke about. Floyd touched so many lives and left a footprint that could never be forgotten. I wish I had the chance to get to know him better personally. I am not good at expressing myself on situations like this. I can say I was glad to see so many people who knew him and who didn’t that came out to support the ride and honor an amazing man. RIP Floyd. You are missed my many.

Thank you to Jodie w/ His n’ Hers and everyone who helped and made the ride a success. Thank you to all the riders who came out and supported. All funds were donated to Floyd’s family.  Thanks for taking the time to read this and God Bless the men and women who have fought and currently fighting for our country and God Bless America. I just wanted to share a few photos from that day.

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